Introducing The Powerful Stratophi Online Gamma Program! Improve Your Digital Marketing ROI!

The continuing evolution of SEO is both interesting and fun, the truth is the one thing we can be certain of is that everything to do with online marketing will continually change. If you are like most businesses you want to know how to improve your Digital Marketing ROI.

When we first started digital marketing all you needed was a 5-page websites. A great keyword strategy was all we needed to rank online. As search engines and Google in particular continued their quest to deliver the best customer experience they introduced new algorithms and SEO Ninja’s reacted by looking for ways to game the system.

To understand why we developed the Stratophi family of tools and strategies it helps to understand why Google and other search engines will continually change. It all has to do with the quality of search results. Way back in the days of keywords only, results could be sketchy. Google knew if they were going to be more verb than noun they could not deliver a Chinese restaurant in Tallahassee when you searched for a pizza shop in Chicago.

Way back in the day of AOL when web sites became the rage, a 5-page web site put your company on the fore front of technology. Website builders would always say I can build you a site but it is up to you to figure out how to get people to that site. Google solved that and instantly the SEO industry was born.

Search continued to evolve and the race for page one results, and pay per click was born. Content, citations and links all became important game changers as algorithmic improvements were introduced. Local maps and Google My Business grew along side the explosion of social media advertising. Scrubbers and crawlers became more sophisticated SEO became more fragmented, gurus started selling picks and shovels and a plethora of digital marketing specialties and options became increasingly available. Businesses added services often from multiple vendors and the state of online digital marketing evolved to where it is leaving many scratching their heads as to what really works.

When we first started, we did all the things that the so called gurus told us to do. We invested tons of money in courses and platforms. The one thing all of our clients had in common, they wanted results and what the gurus said were not producing the results that our clients wanted in the time frame that they needed.

When mobile took the Lions share of the search market we new things were never going to be the same and something needed to be done. We embarked on a two year project of putting together all the elements businesses needed to achieve the status of Local Market Leader.

That is why we sold our existing agency and started Raleigh SEO Team/Stratophi On Line. We decided to make our old business model obsolete. We understood that moving forward to better serve clients needs for the long run what they needed most was digital marketing strategies customized for their unique business model and needs.

Fun Fact: did you know that 97% of all website visitors never take action on the sites they visit!

97% of website traffic never take action on the websites they visit!

If you had a glass that could not contain 97% of the water you put in it, would you keep filling it up?

We think that telling our clients to spend money on SEO and Pay per click is crazy when they are losing 97% of their traffic!

Please don’t misinterpret what I am saying, pay per click and SEO are still part of a comprehensive digital marketing strategy but doing the same thing over and over expecting different results is not for us.

We are all about plugging those leaks or building a better container.

We Had A Vision!

Our Vision: To provide the strategies and the tools businesses need to establish them selves as market leaders!

Our Objective: Deliver the cutting edge solutions that businesses need to thrive online!

Introducing Stratophi On Line!

We have spent the better part of two years developing the Stratophi on line sytem.

19 proprietary tools and solutions based off of the four key building blocks you need to succeed.

1) Reputation: All roads lead back to your reputation. What is the first thing you do when you want to see if a business is some one you want to work with? If your like 92% of todays consumers you are going to check their on line reviews. So we built the systems you need to build manage and market a 5-star review to get more conversions and customers.

2) Social Media: Building a brand and your fan base is an ever green gift that keeps on giving. Getting out in front of your “people” drives interactions and word of mouth.

3) Traffic: Lets get people to your site, but more importantly lets stop the leaks! What if I told you we could not only help your site to convert better than it ever did before bur=t we could retarget all of those visitors that never took action when they came to your site. They must have been their for a reason, so lets spread your message to them again and again until they are ready to buy.

4) Funnels and Automations: Perhaps the traditional 5-page site still has its place, but visitors are most likely not interested in searching your site to find what they are looking for. To stop the leaks a better container is a great option. One that moves prospects through the system delivering a better user experience. Its called a funnel! To make it even more interactive add a chatbot that will do sales for you 24/7. Want to do a webinar! We got you covered.

You see, we know when clients come to us because they are looking for results and that is what Stratophi Online delivers!

Stratophi Online Beta and Gamma

Beta Testing Opportunities: are open for testers who like the idea of leveraging cutting edge technology that will differentiate them from their competitors on line for free during Beta testing periods.

Beta testers will receive “Founder” discounts of 50% off Stratophi programs. continues for new programs in Alpha, and those entering Beta.

Raleigh SEO Team will continually develop our offerings including AI integrations.

Gamma Testing Opportunities: Our team is scheduling interviews for Startophi Dental and Stratophi Law. Space is limited to 10 Dentists and 10 Law Offices across the USA.

Those who participate in our Gamma Testing will receive free strategy sessions and maps valued at thousands of dollars to assure successful Gama testing.

Gama Testers qualify for Founder Discounts but are instantly eligible for Corner Stone discounts of up to 75% for life!

That is our way of giving back to the early adopters that were vital for our successful launch in 2023!

If you ever wished you were at the right place at the right time, you are here!

Visit to learn more.

Or contact us today!

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